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Your Name (este no)
Your Email (este no)
Subject (este no)
Please select the sector which best represents your area
I work(s) in an SME or work in industry
I represent a university, a research institution or a development agency
I represent social partners, such as members of general public, care groups for older persons, press or other societal actors
I represent a policy making institution, such as local or regional council, health authority, government department
I represent other stakeholders interested in the silver economy, such as incubators, accelerators or other industry support
Are you familiar with the term 'Silver Economy'?
What does the term 'Silver Economy' mean to you or what would you guess it means?
To what extent do you think that enterprise targets innovative products and services for older adults within your region? Give a number from 0 to 10
SMES in our region are well placed to develop new products and services targeted for the silver economy outside of health-related products
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Aside from direct health/care products or services, which sectors of the silver economy have most potential to be further developed in your regions Please select as many options as apply
Tourism & Hospitality
SMART or Technological
If you selecter Other in the previous question, please comment briefly on your answer
What policy instruments could best support development of an interconnected silver economy within your region?
Are you aware of any networks or platforms that connect sectors of the silver economy that are not directly related to health? Please provide a brief comment on your answer
I don't know
List what you see as the strengths of the Silver Economy in non-health related sectors in your region?
Identify any weaknesses within your region in how the Silver Economy operates
What are the chief threats to the development of a strong and interconnected Silver Economy in your region?
Can you identify any key opportunities for an inclusive and interconnected silver economy to be developed in your region?
Select any and all of the following that apply to your region in terms of growing and interconnecting the silver economy
There is strong research and development within the Silver Economy in my region
There are capable SMEs within the region who can develop innovative products and services for older people
Within my region, older adults are encouraged to remain economically active (buying and selling goods/services) and are involved in the innovation process
There is good interconnectivity and communications between the different sectors of Silver Economy in my region
Policy supports within my area encourage development and growth of an interconnected inclusive Silver Economy
Excluding health/care - please choose all that apply to your region's silver economy. Please select any and all that apply for your region.
There is little policy focus on economic sectors that link the silver economy
Very little education and awareness raising of the silver economy takes place
SMEs are not focused on the potential of the silver economy outside of health
Research institutions are not focused on the silver economy
Older adults have little interest in the silver economy and tend not to participate or contribute