Be a part of the interactive European map of solutions for Silver Economy of the Horizon Europe project Senior Eco-Nect

Senior Eco-Nect is an EC funded Horizon Europe project. This two-year project aims to produce a Joint Action Plan to promote, develop and interconnect various silver economy ecosystems. Further information about the project is available on the project website Should you wish to ask any questions or require any further information before completing the questionnaire please contact

Complete this questionnaire to be a part of the interactive European map of solutions for Silver Economy, that can be found here. The questionnaire won't take more than 15 minutes.

Company / Entity name *

Contact person *

Contact email *

Company / Entity logo

If possible, upload a ZIP with all usage versions of the logo in PNG format. You can also add any comments regarding the logo here:

Brief description or summary *

Around 255 characters

Type of company / entity *

Select one

Indicate the type of company / entity here

Sector *

Select one

Indicate the sector here

Address *

Country *

Phone prefix *

Phone number *

Write an answer

Website *






What does your organisation offer as a solution to silver economy needs? *

Overall brief description of the solution and added value it brings *

Check availability (if there are development phases)

Write a email address

Available from

Type of solution

Sector or area of work

Application (what is its most frequent use or uses)

Competitive advantages

Product or service references

Degree of development

Select one

Video or PDF presentation of the solution

Upload a ZIP if you want to share more than one file. You can also add any additional comments here: